< Research Reports

Career progression in environmental organisations of people with racially/ethnically diverse backgrounds

Two online focus groups were completed in October 2022 with 14 young people in the early stages of their careers in the environment sector.

The 90 minute text-based focus groups, facilitated by staff from SOS-UK and Action for Conservation and funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation included discussions on the following aspects:

  • Challenges to career progressionexperienced to date
  • Barriers to getting started in the sector(personal and professional)
  • Support and skills developmentopportunities accessed so far
  • Perceptions of the benefits, or disbenefits, from existing support/development
  • Identification of gaps in support anddevelopment opportunities

Participants were recruited through communications to young people who had undertaken a Kickstarter placement through the Race for Nature’s Recovery scheme, and also through organisationsparticipating in The RACE Report diversity transparency campaign.  Additional communications were circulated via LinkedIn.


Understanding experiences of career progression in environmental organisations_2022_Final report