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Department for Education Youth Focal Points for Sustainability and Climate Change

Embedding youth voice in the DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy
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Will and Jodie, our 2023-25 Youth Focal Points

We are working with the Department for Education (DfE) to ensure young people are supported to feed into the implementation and evaluation of the DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy, which was published in 2022.

We are working with two Youth Focal Points for Sustainability and Climate Change, aged 18-25, who will complete a two-year term with us to advise, evaluate, and champion the DfE's Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy. Will Wale and Jodie Bailey-Ho (pictured above) will serve as our two Youth Focal Points for 2023-2025.

Our two Youth Focal Points hold a national and international focus respectively, which will swap after the first year. For 2023/24, Will holds the international focus, whilst Jodie holds the national focus. As part of this, Will will be attending COP28 in Dubai this year.

The Youth Focal Points are supported to meet with a Minister at the Department for Education on a quarterly basis, as well as with civil servants on a bi-monthly basis. During this time they will represent young people, discussing progress against the strategy and providing feedback and constructive suggestions for improvements. They will have the opportunity to shadow civil servants to learn more about the ways of working in a government department. Between the quarterly meetings the Youth Focal Points would be regularly invited to attend local and regional events as youth representatives for the strategy to collect feedback from other young people. They will also be supported to write an evaluation report of the strategy, feeding in the insights they have collected.

Jodie and Will's activity so far

Are you a young person wanting to give your views?

Get in touch!

Jodie: jodie.bailey-ho@sos-uk.org

Will: will.wale@sos-uk.org