< Programmes and Campaigns

Student sustainability engagement

Engaging students with sustainability - on campus and in halls of residence
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We all drive and influence norms that make up our collective culture on campuses and beyond. By developing shared understandings of sustainability and identifying what needs to change, we empower students to take positive sustainability action. We have over 15 years of experience in engaging students on energy, waste and water, helping introduce life-long sustainable living habits.

"Volunteering for the programme has been a great learning experience and a good way to connect with students who share similar values, this made me feel more hopeful for the future." - Campaign Volunteer 2020-21

Engagement in residences

Core engagement programme

Delivered under the Student Switch Off brand, or as part of your sustainability branding, this multi award-winning residence engagement programme engages students in residences and purpose built student accommodation on environmental and social sustainability and introduces life-long sustainable living habits.

The engagement activities communicate practical advice to achieve quantifiable energy, waste and water reductions.

The programme builds students’ foundation of sustainability knowledge and literacy, focusing on enhancing student skills and experience, mobilising students to lead on sustainability initiatives.

Participating universities and PBSAs run an overall competition with an end of year prize as part of the programme to help build and mobilise the student community.

> View the full details and programme costings.

If you are a student, visit our Sustainable Accommodation pages.

Recycling audits

Recycling audits in student residences and PBSAs provide a visual check of student recycling and waste segregation at key points in the year to both feedback performance to students, and to provide a greater understanding on recycling habits. Students are incentivised and informed on how and why to improve correct waste segregation. SOS-UK can deliver the audits either in conjunction with the Residence Engagement Programme or run as an independent stand-alone option.

> View the full details and recycling costings.

Wellbeing and biodiversity action weeks

Whilst at university students can be supported via our wellbeing and biodiversity action weeks to increase awareness of a range of topics, enhancing their knowledge and experience.

SOS-UK will run three wellbeing action weeks at set points across the academic year, and two biodiversity weeks which can be added at times that suit. The themes include:

  • Alcohol Harm Reduction (October 2024)
  • Community building (March 2025)
  • Self-care (May 2025)
  • Getting into nature
  • Saving the bees

This work builds upon the years of experience SOS-UK have improving student health and wellbeing as a core part of our vision for a more just and sustainable society. SOS-UK will deliver the action weeks either in conjunction with the core residence engagement programme or run as an independent stand-alone option. Find out more about our work on Alcohol, Drugs and Student Wellbeing and Food and Farming projects.

> View the full details and action week costings.

Engagement on campus

Core engagement programme

Our research shows that students are increasingly concerned about energy bills, and struggle with cold, damp homes. Through our programme you will receive: a visit to your campus to run an event/stall; training for students to provide them with the tools to communicate effectively with landlords, understand their rights as tenants, and how to tackle common issues, including cold and damp at home; and a communication pack to share relevant information.

> View the full details and programme costings.

SOS-UK can facilitate a bespoke student engagement package that includes elements of our core programme and/or further bespoke engagement & education activities that you would like us to run. Please get in touch for more information.

Wellbeing and biodiversity action weeks

SOS-UK can also run wellbeing and biodiversity action weeks for all students on campus. If you have already signed up to these weeks as part of the residence engagement programme, all your students on campus will also be automatically included (we won't charge you twice!).

> View the full details and action week costings.

Sign up for 2024/2025

For more information please contact us.

Write about smart meters for £30

Write about your experiences to receive a £30 bursary payment. SOS-UK is working with Smart Energy GB to raise awareness about smart meters and how they can benefit young people. As part of this work, we are hoping to share some real stories from students about how smart meters have helped them in managing bills, splitting the bills with flatmates, understanding how to save energy etc.

As well as the initial payment, you can include this experience in your CV and job applications.

Find out more and apply online.

Take sustainable actions in your student accommodation

Sustainable Accomodation

We have guidance and actions you can take to improve the sustainability of where you are living, whether you are in halls of residence, privately-rented or any other living situation.

You can find out if your university or halls provider is signed up to our student engagement campaign, which will give you additional opportunities to get involved, volunteer and win prizes.